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Tired of replacing your ecobee CR2032 batteries? In some households these may need to be replaced every year! This cost adds up quickly year-over-year, and is a drain on the environment.

Most sensor installation locations do not need to be wire-free.

Why not hard wire the ones you can?

This site will tell you how!

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Empower ecobee users to free themselves of the ecobee sensor battery replacement cycle.

Save time, money, and the environment.

Let's get started!

The content for the ecobee-sensors-hard-wired DIY solution has been collaboratively produced by individuals throughout Ontario, Canada.

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What You Should Expect By Going Hard-Wired


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Save Money $$$

CR2032 battery costs vary wildly by geographical location, nation, quality & size of battery, whether or not you buy online or locally, etc. - so we'll let you do the math for the ROI that applies works for you.

For example: In 2019, Canada, ON the best price we found at local retail/hardware stores was ~$4 CAD / battery.  If your household has 2 sensors, and they need to be replaced every 2 years, assuming an ecobee life expectancy of 30 years - this amounts to $120.  So you can be the judge if ~$10 power adaptors + shipping + your time is worthwhile in the long term.

Do also consider the conversion from batteries to plug-in and the price of electricity from your local utility. These sensors draw very little to run (citation needed).  When we hooked up a standard kill-a-watt meter tool it didn't even register any reading (0 Watts, 0 Amps)!  In most cases it should be far less in electricity costs than the cost of batteries.

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